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MY FUTURE MY CHOICE  is  a project developed in partnership with the Queensland Department of Employment, Small Business and Training and the University of Southern Queensland School of Creative Arts.

The project involves the production of a series of video-based learning modules which act as scaffolding for young people preparing themselves for employment. 

The modules are each between 10 - 15 minutes in duration. This is to support teachers in programming separate modules for single class focus leaving time for student engagement in participatory and collaborative learning activities.   A workshop learning activity manual is included with the My Future My Choice package.

The learning resources consist of four interdependent performance modules:

Module 1: Preparing for and procuring a job interview.

Module 2: Negotiating a successful job interview.

Module 3: Strategic planning for job and career advancement

Module 4: Identifying enculturated obstacles to employment.

The first developmental iteration of the program was presented at the USQ Arts Theatre on Wednesday 29 May 2019. The work was further tested through live performance in schools in Dalby, Warwick and Toowoomba. The video-based learning modules were launched at the USQ Concert Hall on Tuesday 29 October 2019.

For inquiries regarding accessing the work package please contact:

Wayne Rutledge Email:

Module 2: Negotiating a job interview

Module 1: Preparing for an interview

Module 3: Planning for job advancement

Module 4: Identifying your obstacles to employment

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