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Ozplays commits to the following recommendations


Organisations have the responsibility to:
• Meet legal obligations in regards to equal opportunity law and legislation
• Ensure strong cultural representation at all levels: in boards, management, staff, programs and events
• Establish a caucus or committee of people that can represent and advocate for cultural safety needs
• Create an Equity Action Plan, and have robust anti-racism policies
• Consider the use of targets to ensure that staff from underrepresented groups are hired across all levels of the organisation
• Implement a robust evaluation and monitoring system to track your progress against equity goals
• Implement succession planning and invest in the next generation of diverse arts leaders
• Remunerate staff and artists appropriately. If people are tasked with additional labour to address anti-racism or other matters related to equity, honour this work with an additional consultation fee separate from their base salary/fee
• Avoid tokenistic gestures by committing to long-term relationships with artists rather than one-off, box-ticking relationships
• Create spaces of cultural safety through consultation and open communication – be open to feedback and change
• Collaborate rather than consult, on creative projects to ensure power and benefit sharing
• Recognise that each individual artist’s needs and lived experiences are unique, and what works for one individual may not work for another

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