SMACK is a clown-based play that focuses on Domestic Violence and the behavioural components of controlling and abusive relationships.
An abbreviated version of the play was presented at the Domestic Violence Action Centre production of Not Being Heard is No Reason for Silence at the Ipswich Civic Centre on 28 July 2017
SMACK is a clown based fantasy play that traces the mindset and behaviour central to domestic violence. Drawing on the work of world renowned sociologist Lundy Bancroft and psychologist Jill Murray, SMACK details the warning signs and stages of controlling and abusive relationships embedded within a cracked fairy-tale world of random and randy princes, princesses, broken fairies, elf-ponies and talking truffle pigs.
Four clowns enact the often ridiculous, hilarious and whimsical story of Princess Amy and her search for true romance. Along the way Amy meets Prince Chumpdick, a bumbling and not so successful graduate of SMACK, the Secret Men's Alliance of Controllers and Killers. Amy overlooks all the warning signs and marries the man she calls 'Charming', only to find herself locked in a fairy tale castle of escalating horrors. Only the intervention of a talking pig and a swineherd mistakenly named after an angel, does Amy make her way to safety.